中小城市引导“慢行回归”的规划探索 ——以慈溪市中心城区慢行系统规划为例

Planning Exploration of Non-motorized Traffic System in Small and Medium-sized Cities: A Case Study of Cixi Downtown Non-motorized Traffic System


摘要: 从实施角度反思当前城市慢行系统规划。结合浙江省慈溪市慢行交通发展实证分析中小城市道路交通系统、交通基础设施、出行特征、出行环境等影响规划实施的因素,提出重视慢行交通、突破慢行瓶颈、明确交通基础设施建设标准、改善慢行出行环境等提升策略。以慈溪市中心城区慢行系统规划项目实践探讨中小城市引导“慢行回归”的实施性方案,切实解决中小城市慢行系统缺乏安全性、系统性、居民出行意愿低等问题,让慢行交通系统回归城市生活,并为快速机动化过程中的中小城市提供“慢行回归”的经验和借鉴。

Abstract: Reflecting on current cities' non-motorized traffic system plan from the perspective of implementation, based on Cixi non-motorized traffic development, this paper analyses the factors affecting the implementation of planning, such as road traffic system, traffic infrastructure, travel characteristics, and travel environment in small and medium-sized cities, and puts forward strategies such as attaching importance to non-motorized traffic, breaking through the bottleneck of the non-motorized traffic system, defining the construction standards of traffic infrastructure, and improving travel environment. Combining with the practice of Cixi downtown non-motorized traffic system planning project, this paper discusses the implementation plan for small and medium-sized cities to "return to non-motorized traffic return" and effectively solves the problems of lack of safety, systematicness, and residents' low willingness to travel, to make non-motorized traffic system return to urban life and provide experience and reference for small and medium-sized cities in the process of rapid motorization.


Keyword: return to non-motorized traffic; implementation-oriented; small and medium-sized cities; non-motorized traffic system; the trend of rapid mobility; solution


文献标识码: A

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