
Study on Urban and Culture Creative Industry Park: A Case Study of a Creative Industry Park of Taipei Huashan 1914

福建师范大学旅游学院旅游管理(休闲游憩管理)专业 本科生

摘要: 文化创意园区是文化创意产业在空间上出现群聚,产业之间连接而形成的结果。不可忽略的是,文化创意园区的形成与后工业时代都市产业结构的改变是有关的,其与都市的发展是息息相关的。延续中西方文献对都市中闲置空间再利用的研究成果,结合文化产业的创新与文化园区的设置,引导出台湾文化产业与文化园区的设置,并以华山1914为例,分析台北市与设置文化园区的利害关系。台湾设置文化创意园区、对台湾的后工业时期经济的发展、产业结构的转型,产业能量的提升、城市营销高附加价值的创造有很大的正面影响。

Abstract: This paper tries to shift the focus from culture creative industries to culture creative industry park, to explain the result of linking between culture creative industries and culture creative industry park, and prompting as a new spatial produced by culture creative industries cluster. Undoubtedly, the emerging of culture creative industry park is closely connect the urban industrial restructuring of post-industrial cities, and triggers the new era of urban development. Through the many studies on the regeneration of abandoned space in the city form Western and Chinese literature, this paper takes the creative industry park of Taipei Huashan 1914 as an example, illustrating a spatial model of by means of the establish of culture creative industry park to stimulate the development of culture creative industries. This conclusion of paper puts on the statement that the prompting of culture creative industry park in Taipei has positive influences on urban economic development, the transformation of industrial restructuring, the prompting of consume produced, and the creativity of high-valued branded city-marketing.

关键词:文化创意产业、文化创意产业园区、都市发展、华山1914 、台北

Keyword: Culture creative industries, Culture creative industry park, Urban development Huashan 1914 Creative Park , Taipei


文献标识码: A,B

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