
The Comparative Study of Regional Production Complex and New Regionalism:Based on the Regional Planning Angle

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心 硕士研究生

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心 副教授, 博士

上海同济城市规划设计研究院 助理工程师, 硕士

摘要: 随着中国国民经济的快速发展,区域发展与规划受到了各级行政单元日趋关注和重视。区域规划理论研究也获得了长足的进展,突出地表现为区域规划理论从建国后的地域生产综合体理论到20世纪末的新区域主义理论的变迁。旨在从区域规划的角度,探讨地域生产综合体理论和新区域主义理论的区别和联系,直击规划实践和理论脱节的矛盾,通过比较研究厘清两种理论的关系,以期更好地推动我国区域规划实践的开展。

Abstract: With the development of national economy, the administrative units at all levels in China have reinforced the regional planning. It becomes more and more important. At the same time, regional planning theory has also made a great progress. Among which the outstanding change is that regional planning theory has developed from the regional production complex theory to the theory of socialist new area. In planning practice and theoretical exploration, many scholars have made important contributions for this for a long time. From the regional planning perspective, this paper aims to probe into the regional production complex theory and the theory of socialist new regional differences and relationship. To solve the contradiction between planning practice and theory, we make the comparative study and examples about two theories. This paper hopes it can promote the development of China's regional planning practice.


Keyword: Regional production complex, New regionalism, Regional planning


文献标识码: B



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