
Hanoi: Evolution, Present City Development and Challenges

Ta Quynh Hoa(越南)
越南土木工程大学建筑与规划系 讲师

摘要: 对越南第二大城市河内的城市演变和发展进行综合介绍和分析,包含两部分主要内容:一是介绍河内的城市发展演变过程——将河内城市发展过程划分为亚洲传统城市时期、近代法国殖民地时期、社会主义时期、经济改革时期和进入21世纪后受全球化影响时期,共5个发展时期。二是分析当今河内快速城市化建设中所面临的5大主要挑战——交通基础设施、城市规划管理机制、城市“农村文化”、城市空间的无序生长和生态环境恶化。

Abstract: This article introduces the city evolution history of Hanoi from the impetus for city making in AD 1010 to the present as one of the 17 biggest capital cities around the World by land area through 5 different development periods: Thang Long period, French Colonial period, Socialism period, Doi Moi period and International Integration period. And it further analyzes the challenges Hanoi’s urban planning and development are confronting within infrastructure system, urban management, rural culture, urban space and environmental degradation on rapid globalization process.


Keyword: Hanoi, City evolution, Urbanization, Globalization, Urban planning, Challenges


文献标识码: B

[1] Report of Master Plan for Hanoi Capital to 2030,Vision to 2050,Approved on November 2011[EB/OL]. http://hanoi.org.vn/planning/archives/36.
[2] Pham Thuy Loan(2008),Water Space–An Unique Characteristics of Hanoi City[EB/OL].http: //www.uai.org.vn/index.php/chuyende/thietkedothi/76-khong-gian-mt-nc-mt-net-c-trng-ca-o-th-ha-ni.html.
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[4]Ta Quynh Hoa,Urban Water Management in Hanoi City Prospect and Challenges, Presentation in Southeast Asian- German Expert Seminar on Urban Regional Network in Philippine in 2009.
[5] Maps from Vietnam’s National Library.
[6] Data & Statistics  from General Statistics OfficeVietnam[EB/OL].http://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=491.
Data & Statistics from General Statistics Office Vietnam[EB/OL].http://www.gso.gov.vn/defult_en.asapx?tabid=491
[7]William S. Logan,Hanoi,Biography of A City[M]. University of Washington Press,Seattle,2000.
