
International Research and Practice in Planning and Design of Cycling-friendly Infrastructure

新加坡国立大学建筑系 博士研究生

摘要: 面对自行车交通在公共健康和环保方面优势较大和分担率较低的现状,全球许多城市都在开展自行车复兴工作。自行车友好设施是自行车出行最重要的影响因素之一。国外研究与规划实践对我国存量规划时代和街区制指导下的相关规划有重要参考意义。针对国外自行车设施对出行行为影响研究的方法、主要结论和有待进一步研究的方面进行综述,梳理总结自行车友好设施的类型及其体现的精细化分配空间的街道设计趋势,分析欧美代表性城市相关规划(包括自行车总体规划和“完整街道”改造)的特点,指出“回归慢行和日常”是自行车交通及设施规划的主题。基于国际经验总结,讨论我国未来自行车友好设施规划设计的一些关键问题。

Abstract: With the sustainability and health benefits of cycling as a transport mode and the low cycling rate in most cities, promoting cycling has been recognized by researchers and cities worldwide. Cycling-friendly infrastructure has been found as a major factor affecting cycling behaviors. China's current planning policies are emphasizing regenerative approaches and small-block urban form. Thus, international research and practice on cycling infrastructure are meaningful for China's transport planning and street design. In this article, I firstly conduct a literature review on the impacts of cycling infrastructures on cycling behaviors, including their results, approaches and research gaps. Secondly, I summarize the treatments of cycling-friendly infrastructures, and how they reflect the street design trends. Following is an analysis of some typical bicycle master plans and complete street projects in Europe and North America. It is pointed out that 'back to active and daily transport' is the common objective in cycling transport development and infrastructural planning. The article concludes with a discussion on take-home values and important issues of cycling-infrastructure planning in China.


Keyword: bicycle; street infrastructure; cycling behavior; bicycle master plan; complete street


文献标识码: A

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