上海叙事: 将城市针灸作为以社区为基础的遗产保护和发展策略

Narrative Shanghai: Taking Urban Acupuncture as Heritage Preservation and Development Strategy on the Basis of Community

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,TechnischeUniversität Berlin 双学位硕士研究生

摘要: 上海是一个进步与传统并存、现代化对城市肌理和本土社区不断冲击的地方。基于以上考虑,以上海虹口区提篮桥地区袖珍广场设计为例,采取城市针灸这种微干扰方式对该地区的公共空间体系进行整体性梳理,并在提升空间质量的过程中采取自下而上的社区参与模式,在落实设计时采取软硬设计相结合的方式以实现弹性空间的可能。“上海叙事”更多的是作为一种社区导向的、强调公众参与的、自下而上的规划模式探讨,而非简单的设计成果呈现,期望能对城市更新策略的探索尽绵薄之力。

Abstract: Shanghai, is such an environment where progress and tradition confict each other and on-going modernization left deep scars on the urban fabric and local communities. This article is founded on such considerations and proposes a design strategy to create high-quality and community-owned public spaces while achieving flexibility for important historical spots by combining soft design with hardware. “Narrative Shanghai” needs to be considered as a process rather than a product, and thus it is supposed to provide an approach for bottom-up participation in resident-led urban renewal projects. The idea is thought to become a worthy model for urban redevelopment on a broader scale.


Keyword: Urban acupuncture, Heritage preservation, Community-based development, Flexibility, Public participation, Soft design


文献标识码: B

[1] Rasmussen,Christina. Participative Design & Planning in Contemporary Urban projects.The Project Library– Aalborg Universitet;verfügbarunter [EB/OL]. http://projekter.aau.dk/projekter /files/65227327/ParticipativeDesign_Planning.pdf , 17.09.2013/30.09.2013.
