
The Change and Local Effects of City Marketing in the Era of Mobile Internet in China

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师 南京大学空间规划研究中心 执行主任

摘要: 移动互联网的爆发促进了大众文化传播的变革,营销话语权和意识形态向大众转移的态势明显,为城市营销提供了新的内容、载体和路径,同时为我国更多城市和广大乡村地区提供了新的发展契机,塑造了更加全面立体的景观形象。但短期高效益的营销行为所引起的跟风热潮对城乡发展的负面效应也不容小觑。移动互联网时代的城市营销并不是空间生产的最终目的,而是城市吸引外部资源的一种新型手段,应该通过多方合作、协同机制的构建以及对公众心理诉求的回应,将其导向促进地方可持续发展的方向。

Abstract: The outbreak of mobile internet has promoted the transformation of popular culture communication. The discourse of marketing and ideology to the masses has become obvious, providing new content, carrier and path for city marketing. This change has provided new development opportunities for more cities and vast rural areas in China, and has created a more comprehensive landscape image. At the same time, however, the negative effects of the short-term high-efficiency marketing behavior on the urban and rural development cannot be underestimated. City marketing in the era of mobile internet is not the ultimate goal of space production, but a new means for cities to attract external resources. It should be guided to promote local sustainable development through the construction of cooperation mechanisms and the response of public psychological demands.


Keyword: mobile internet; city marketing; public; communication; space; landscape


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金项目 “电子商务推动的乡村城镇化特征、机制与规划应对研究” 51878329

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