
Spatial Differences of Urban Public Service in the Yangtze River Delta Region under Integration Context

中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 中国科学院大学 博士研究生

陈 雯(通信作者)
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 研究员 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院 博士生导师

摘要: 公共服务的空间配置是影响城市和区域发展的重要因素,对公共服务空间差异的研究有助于资源合理配置,促进城市合作共赢发展。以县区为基本评价单元,运用空间分析方法,从公共服务资源供给和便捷度两方面对长三角公共服务供给能力的空间差异进行分析,并结合城市等级,分类研究不同城市等级下的公共服务能力特点,进一步探讨其影响因素。结果表明:(1)长三角公共服务在区域层面存在空间差异,东南片区城市的公共服务供给水平和获取便捷性高,苏北皖北部分城市的县区公共服务获取便捷性较高,西南片区城市公共服务供给和获取便捷性均偏低;(2)城市内部公共服务同样存在差异,中心城区或新区公共服务配置水平高,边缘城区或边远县公共服务水平低;(3)特大城市和超大城市较多是高公共服务水平县区,大城市Ⅰ和大城市Ⅱ以中低公共服务水平的县区居多。此外,公共服务资源配置与城市常住人口和经济发展水平相关,经济发展水平高、常住人口多的县区公共服务资源配置较多。希望为长三角区域一体化均衡和共享发展提供参考。

Abstract: The spatial allocation of public services is an important factor affecting urban and regional development. Research on spatial differences of public services is conducive to the rational allocation of public services resources and the promotion of win-win urban cooperation. In this study, by using the spatial analysis method, public service capacity in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region is evaluated by two main aspects of public service supply and conveniences on a county level. City scale is applied both as a basis for county classification along with public service capacity and as the main reason to explain spatial differences of public service capacity appeared in the YRD region. Further, main factors of such spatial character are discussed. The results show that: a) there are spatial differences in public services in the YRD region between cities. The public service supply and conveniences in cities of the southeastern YRD region are higher, while cities in southwestern areas are lower than other cities. b) It also shows a difference within a city. Central urban districts and new developing districts have a higher service level. On the contrary, marginal districts and remote counties show a lower service level. c) Big cities own more counties that have a higher public service level, while counties in small cities tend to be low in public service. d) A large resident population and a high level of economic development promote the allocation of public service resources. This study has a policy implication for the integration, balance and shared development of the YRD region.


Keyword: the Yangtze River Delta; counties; public service; spatial differences; urban hierarchy


文献标识码: A


中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类) “美丽中国生态文明建设科技工程专项” XDA230201

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