
Research for the Design and Construction Methods for the Public Spaces in the Central City of Shanghai: Comment on Competition for Pocket Squares Design

上海市城市规划设计研究院 城市规划二所总工程师 高级工程师 硕士

摘要: 中心城区既是城市历史发展的精华地区,也是公共空间品质差距较大的地区,是新时期上海加强公共空间建设的重点和难点地区。结合袖珍广场设计竞赛的相关研究和设计成果,对上海中心城公共空间建设的路径和设计方法进行了探索和总结,认为中心城应当走存量空间挖潜的道路,通过多种方式因地制宜地开展“针灸式”的改造,以激发地区活力,推动城市更新。公共空间设计应以满足市民休闲活动需求为基本目标,注重提升文化艺术品质,统筹城市空间系统。

Abstract: The promotion of public spaces construction in central city of Shanghai is the key and difficult part for being both the area refecting the city’s development and lacking of public spaces. The paper researches and concludes the design methods for the construction of public spaces combining the research and design results of the competition for pocket squares design. It uses the concept of ‘acupuncture’ restoration to inspire the energy of the area while promoting the urban regeneration by mining the stock of urban space. The design of the public spaces should satisfy the needs for the routine leisure requirement of the citizens while promoting the cultural equalities and plays an important role in the urban space system.


Keyword: Central city , Public space, Pocket square


文献标识码: B

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