
Comparison of Airport Clusters in Urban Agglomerations between the Yangtze River Delta in China and Northeast Corridor in the United States: in the Aspect of Density Space and Function Specialization

张 蕾
江苏第二师范学院城市与资源环境学院 副教授,博士 北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校城市与区域规划系 访问学者

孙 伟(通信作者)
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 副研究员,博士

摘要: 构建与长三角世界级城市群相匹配的协同联动的世界级机场群,已经成为长三角高质量一体化战略下的迫切要求和广泛共识。对美国东北走廊地区机场群的历史演变及其与长三角机场群的现状对比表明:在密度空间上,长三角机场密度显著低于东北走廊地区,1993年以来东北走廊地区同时经历了机场密度的下降与枢纽机场群的增强;在等级体系上,美国东北走廊地区的城市群与机场群耦合度更高,且耦合关系近30年来保持稳定,长三角存在较为明显的城市群与机场群的不匹配状况;在功能分工上,主要枢纽机场航线重叠是中美机场的共同特征,东北走廊地区国际航线和国内长距离航线的轴辐结构明显、中小机场功能定位差异明显,长三角大中小各类机场则存在航线重叠度高、市场区分度低等情况。最后,对长三角机场群发展提出如下建议:一是围绕都市圈的培育和发展,适度增加机场密度;二是注重构建以航空枢纽为中心、与主要都市圈相匹配的多个机场群;三是优化航空网络结构,打造“轴辐结构”,引导机场群各类机场特别是小型机场的特色化差异化发展。

Abstract: Constructing a cooperative and efficient airport cluster with worldwide influences which matches the position of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has become a consensus. The comparison of airport clusters in urban agglomerations between the Yangtze River Delta in China and the Northeast Corridor in the United States shows us some findings. Firstly, the density of airports in the Yangtze River Delta is lower than the Northeast Corridor, even though the latter has experienced density decline and strengthening of hub airports since 1993. Secondly, in the hierarchical system, the Northeast Corridor's urban agglomeration has a higher coupling with airport clusters than the Yangtze River Delta. Thirdly, it is the common feature that the two areas' main hub airports have overlapping routes. However, the Northeast Corridor has an obvious hub-and-spoke structure in international and domestic intercity routes, while the Yangtze River Delta's domestic routes overlap much. At last, this paper proposes several suggestions. The first is to increase the density of airports in the Yangtze River Delta. The second is to cultivate airport clusters echoing the development of important megalopolis. The third is to optimize the air network and construct the hub-and-spoke structure, and the medium and small airports should gradually develop their characteristics.


Keyword: urban agglomeration of the Yangtze River Delta; Northeast Corridor in the United States; airport clusters; density space; function specialization


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金 “空港经济区产业格局与空间结构演变及优化路径研究——以长三角为例” 41201112

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