小广场 大战略 ——上海袖珍广场设计思考

Small Squares, Big Strategy: Thoughts on the Design of Pocket Squares in Shanghai

清华大学建筑学院城市规划系 副教授, 博士

清华大学建筑学院 博士研究生

清华大学建筑学院城市规划系 主任 清华大学建筑与城市研究所 副所长, 教授, 博士

摘要: 城市公共空间是城市生活的舞台,也是城市设计的核心领域。良好的城市公共空间对于促进社会交往,展示城市形象特征,构建安全、舒适的城市生活具有重要价值。2013年上海以“袖珍广场”为题,组织设计竞赛,在用地紧张的中心城区建立服务于城市生活的公共空间,提供市民休闲、活动、交流的“城市客厅”。介绍清华大学在小广场竞赛设计中对上海城市公共空间的一些思考,藉此探讨公共空间如何在城市发展中发挥积极作用,提升城市物质空间和社会空间品质。

Abstract: Public space is a stage of urban life as well as a central domain of urban design. Good public spaces are of great signifcance in fostering social interaction, exposing image features of a city and establishing safe and comfortable urban life. In 2013, the city of Shanghai held the 'pocket square' design competition, which sought to help create public spaces serving urban life and offering citizens with leisure, activities and communication in densely built-up central urban area and turn them into 'drawing rooms of the city'. This paper introduces some thoughts from Tsinghua University's participation in this design competition on the issue of urban public squares in Shanghai and discusses how public spaces can play positive roles in urban development to improve the quality of both physical space and social space of a city.


Keyword: Public space, Square, Shanghai


文献标识码: B


北京市自然科学基金项目(编号: 8132041)资助。

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