
Urban Public Space and Planning in the Discourse of Urban Regeneration

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授, 博士生导师

摘要: 城市规划的现实任务是解决社会共同面临的城市问题,而后者经历中国数十年城镇化的强劲发展已经发生了巨大转变,与此同时,规划师的角色也将发生转变,这意味着其工作方法和内容必然的革新。当前中国城市规划所进行的土地和空间资源配置已然成为城市中最大利益的分配和再分配。以公共空间的规划设计为切入点,探讨在城市更新语境下规划工作如何体现其公共作用,容纳公众意见、建立公共部门与社区、市场的伙伴关系,从较多关注空间效率、美学和设计创新转向在空间资源的再分配中保障公共利益、体现社会公平、协调社会冲突,同时促进城市发展。

Abstract: The practical mission of urban planning is to solve urban problems demanded by the urban society. The article argues that the role of planners in China is shifting after decades of rigorous development and fast urbanization, and that urban planning in China are no longer mere technical issues as its actions have involved the most important resource distribution and redistribution in the society. Taking planning public space as an example, the author explores new approaches to include public opinion, build public-private partnership, and hence achieve the necessary transition from focusing on aesthetics and efficiency of urban space to social representation and justice, the base of achieving sustainable development in the future.


Keyword: Urban regeneration, Public space, Urban design , Public interest, Public participation


文献标识码: B


国家自然科学基金项目资助(项目编号: 51108324)

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