
Study on the Layout of Squares in Shanghai Central City

上海市城市规划设计研究院 规划二所所长, 高级工程师

摘要: 上海的城市发展已逐渐由大规模开发转向精细化建设,越来越注重内涵式发展与品质提升。而城市广场等公共空间的建设,是提升城市品质的重要手段。针对上海的公共空间体系以及广场布局展开论述,在现状研究的基础上,借鉴国外案例,进行比较分析,总结归纳理想的公共空间体系与广场布局方式,并提出一系列优化广场布局的应对策略:建立广场布局质量的评价指标体系,提出广场选址引导,探讨广场建设的实施途径和推进机制。

Abstract: Nowadays, the development of Shanghai is changing from massive construction to smart construction. The improvement of urban quality is becoming more and more important. And the construction of squares is one of the most important methods to improve the urban quality. This Article focuses on public space system and the layout of squares. By studying the current situation, learning from foreign cases, we summarize the regulation of good public space system and bring forward series of strategies to improve the Layout of Squares. We suggest building up the Index of square Layout, appropriate square location, and proper methods of square construction.


Keyword: Urban square, Public space system, Index of layout, Promotion strategy, Shanghai


文献标识码: B

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