
Focus on Urban Space Art, Promote Urban Soft Power: Research on the Construction and Planning for the Urban Public Spaces in Shanghai

上海市城市规划设计研究院 院长, 高级工程师, 博士 上海交通大学EMBA学员

摘要: 公共空间是承载社会生活、体现城市文化的重要元素。通过公共空间建设,盘活存量空间资源、激发城市活力、提升城市品质,是新时期上海实现发展转型、建设国际大都市的重要举措。从公共空间现状和发展趋势的评估分析入手,借鉴国际大都市发展经验,通过对城市公共空间网络、袖珍广场、活力街巷、文艺复兴、街区更新等规划设想和举措,探索加强公共空间建设,提升城市软实力的思考和建议。

Abstract: Public space is the important element which can refect urban culture also contains social life. It is a key method for Shanghai to achieve transformation and construct international metropolitan in the new age thorough inspire urban activities and promote urban quality by the construction of public space and using the storage urban spaces. The paper puts out thoughts and suggestions of promotion quality and enhancing the construction of urban public space and urban soft power by analyzing the status and development of public space, thorough planning concepts and methods focusing on the urban public space network, pocket squares, street activities, culture and district regeneration, while learning from experience of other international cities.


Keyword: Public space, Urban soft power, Pocket square


文献标识码: B

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