
Research on Route Selection and Restrictive Factors during the New-type Urbanization Development

上海社会科学院部门经济研究所 副所长, 研究员, 博士生导师

摘要: 城镇自然环境承载力和社会公共服务力严重供给不足,是制约我国新型城镇化发展的关键因素。从新型城镇化建设的外部背景看,经济全球化引起的世界产业结构调整在亚太地区的制造业转移,加速中国工业化助推了中国的城镇化进程。在未来的20年中,我国将有3亿左右的人口从农村转移到城镇。我国的城市重大基础设施、城镇化的政策等方面,各级政府还没有作好应对的系统准备。旨在分析制约新型城镇化选择的主要问题,提出我国新型城镇化发展的思路与建议。

Abstract: Severe insufficient environmental carrying capacity and public service capacity are the key restraints on Chinese urbanization. Change brought along by economic globalization which manufacture industry move to Asia-pacific area. It’s estimated that 300 million people will move from the county to the city in the following 20 years. However, in terms of important urban amenity, policy related to the urbanization, our government haven’t made preparation yet. According to the main problems related to new-type urbanization, this article indicates innovative idea and suggestions.


Keyword: New-type urbanization, Environmental carrying capacity, Public service capacity


文献标识码: B

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