
Promoting the Development of New-type Urbanization with Land Comprehensive Remediation: Discussion on the Location and Strategic Thought of Land Comprehensive Remediation of Shanghai

上海市规划和国土资源管理局 党组书记, 局长, 博士, 高级工程师

摘要: 在十八届三中全会“新型城镇化”建设要求下,上海以生态文明建设提升“全球城市”国际竞争力、以城乡统筹内涵增长模式破解土地资源瓶颈、以建立农村地区“造血机制”引导全民共享的新型城镇化建设,顺应上海城市转型之势,提出土地整治工作定位转变的战略思路,以郊野单元规划为载体,开展郊野地区规划土地网格化精细管理,探索一条符合上海实际、具有上海特色、以土地综合整治助力土地节约集约利用和城乡一体化的转型发展之路。

Abstract: With the requirement of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee "New-type Urbanization" construction, Shanghai, enhancing the international competitiveness of "global city" by ecological civilization construction, breaking through the bottleneck of land resources with the growth mode of coordinated urban and rural connotation and establishing "Hematopoietic Mechanism" to guide the whole people sharing in the rural areas, has puts forward the strategic thought transformation of land remediation work location with the city transition of potential. With taking countryside unit planning as its carrier, developing the grids management of plan and land in rural areas, it is explored the comprehensive remediation of land power intensive land use and integration of urban and rural areas transformational development path with a suitable for Shanghai and the characteristics of Shanghai.


Keyword: Land comprehensive remediation, New-type urbanization, Integration of urban and rural areas, Countryside unit planning


文献标识码: B

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