
Practice and Exploration on Shanghai Territory Spatial Planning from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization

陈 琳
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生 上海市城市规划设计研究院 城市规划一所所长,高级工程师

上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

摘要: 国土空间规划进入生态文明新时代,要求推进高质量发展、高品质生活和高水平治理。回顾上海空间规划体系 “两规融合、多规合一”实践的发展历程,简要介绍《上海市城市总体规划(2017—2035年)》 (以下简称 “‘上海2035’”)在资源环境紧约束下,探索高密度超大城市可持续发展的新模式。在国土空间规划体系改革的新要求下,从生态文明视角,全面、系统地探讨和总结上海市国土空间规划的实践内容和特点:一是优化“空间合一、时间合拍”的规划体系;二是注重各层次规划编制技术规范和标准体系;三是加强刚性管控和弹性适应内容的逐级传导;四是健全动态维护和实施监督的全过程运营机制,以期为全国其他城市开展国土空间规划编制工作提供参考。

Abstract: The territory spatial planning has entered a new era of ecological civilization, requiring to promote high-quality development, high-quality life and high-level governance. The paper reviews Shanghai spatial planning system’s development path towards the goal of "two-plan coordination" and "multi-plan integration". Then, by analyzing "Shanghai 2035" master plan, the paper introduces the new sustainable developing model for high density mega city under the tight constraints of resources and environment. Under the new requirements of the territory spatial planning system reform, the paper comprehensively and systematically discusses the practice and exploration on Shanghai territory spatial planning from the perspective of ecological civilization: 1)Strengthen the spatial planning system of “integrated urban planning and land use planning schemes as well as promotion of ‘multi-sectors’ plans in one”; 2)Focus on the technical norms and standards system of plans at all levels; 3)Strengthen the level-by-level transmission of rigid-control and flexible-adaptation contents; 4)Improve the full-process operational mechanism of dynamic maintenance and implementation supervision.The paper is expected to provide a certain reference of territory spatial planning for other cities across the country.

关键词:生态文明 | 国土空间规划 | 规划体系 | 上海

Keyword: Ecological civilization | Territory spatial planning | Planning system | Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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