
Innovative Exploration on Garden EXPO Park Planning and Design: A Case Study of Chongqing International Garden Expo

上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院 景观分院副院长, 高级工程师

上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院 景观规划师

上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院 景观规划师

摘要: 中国国际园林博览会是我国规模最大、规格最高、内容最丰富的园林艺术精品展示会,其会址(园博园)的规划设计必须具备创新性。在重庆园博园的规划设计中,对规划选址提出新区绿核、多线支撑、废地利用的新思路;提出山水园融、景展平衡、精萃呼应的新格局;创新性地编制展示园区控制性详细规划,提出风格协调、基调统一的新思路,解决以往园博园的问题,将重庆园博园营造成一个大型天然山水园林,构成一幅具有诗情画意的美丽山水画卷。

Abstract: China international garden Expo is the largest garden art exhibition in China in terms of the scale, the specifcation, and the content of high-quality goods. Therefore, innovation is essential to Garden Expo park planning and design. New ideas have been put forward in site selection, such as forming the new green nuclear, multi-line support, and wastelands using. Ideas as integrating landscape and the park, scene exhibition balance, and quintessence echo have been also proposed. Creatively compiling the regulatory detailed planning by thinking of the coordination and unity tone, Chongqing garden Expo park has solved the problems which previous garden Expo parks had, and has built a large natural landscape garden as well as forming a picture scroll of the poetic landscape.


Keyword: Garden EXPO park, Planning and design, Natural landscape garden


文献标识码: B



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