城际铁路对城市群可达性的影响* ——以武汉“1+8”城市群为例

The Change of Accessibility Impacted by the Intercity Rail in Urban Agglomeration: A Case Study of Wuhan ‘1+8’ Urban Agglomeration

许 劼
上海城建职业学院 讲师,工程师 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 在区域内部空间尺度上,分析城际铁路带来的可达性变化需要关注两个问题:在中心放射交通网络中,城际铁路与其他交通方式相比是否有优势?在刚开通时,能否影响乘客出行方式的选择?以武汉“1+8”城市群的3条城际铁路为案例进行截面研究,对比公路和城际铁路、有公铁站点城镇的小汽车和城际铁路、无公铁站点乡镇的小汽车和城际铁路共3种情景,在考虑全出行链的出行时间基础上定义可达性,并以时间差为依据划定城际铁路车站的影响范围。对比计算结果与乘客出行调查,显示城际铁路可达性对乘客出行方式的选择具有重要影响,相对不同交通方式的优势具有差异性,相对于公路客运具有明显优势,而相对于小汽车则优势微弱。此外,城际铁路的到发客流量还受到社会经济属性的影响。最后,指出了研究优化的方向。

Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the impacts of accessibility improvement brought by intercity rail on intra-regional level. Two core questions underlie the analysis. Does intercity rail have advantage over other travel modes or is there difference among stations? Does the improvement affect passengers’ travel behavior in short term? A cross-sectional case study of three intercity rails in Wuhan ‘1+8’ urban agglomeration is conducted by setting three scenarios. ‘Door to door’ travel time of the whole trip chain is calculated and scope of influence of rail station is defined and compared to passenger survey. The findings demonstrate great advantage of intercity rail over regional coach but little over car, which illustrates substantial effects on mode choice. The implication arising from this study is that volume of intercity rail passengers is not only related to accessibility improvement and passengers’ mode choice but also socio-economic factors. Finally, future topics for research are identified.


Keyword: Intercity rail ,Accessibility,Scope of influence


文献标识码: A


高密度人居环境生态与节能(同济大学)教育部重点实验室资助项目 “城际铁路站点布设对走廊地区城市网络的影响研究”

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