
Research Progress of "Three old" Transformation in Guangdong Province

昆明理工大学建筑与城市规划学院 讲师,博士

华南理工大学建筑学院 硕士研究生

华南理工大学建筑学院 亚热带建筑国家重点实验室 教授、博士生导师

郭 炎
武汉大学城市设计学院 副教授,博士

摘要: 当前,中国城市开发已进入存量更新时代,以存量集体建设用地为主、具有广东地方特色的城市更新——“三旧”改造,已经开展了近10年,引起了全国相关领域的广泛关注。通过国内文献回顾,将既有研究概括为改造内涵、政策与制度创新,实践与反思,政治学和经济学的理论解释这3个方面。指出“三旧”改造是在城市化快速发展、国家土地制度不断收紧导致城市土地资源短缺的背景下,地方政府通过制定集体建设用地再开发政策以保障土地供给,以获取土地资源、土地再利用为主要目标的城市更新活动。

Abstract: Currently China's urban development has entered the era of stock construction land renewal. The practice of urban renewal in Guangdong, "Three old" Transformation, characterized by collective land has been carried out for nearly 10 years, which has aroused widespread concern in the relevant areas. Through domestic literature review, the contents of the study are summarized as three main aspects: the conception, innovative policy and institution, the practice and reflection, and the explanation. It is pointed out that the reform of "Three old" Transformation is an urban renewal activity with the main goal of acquiring land resources and land reuse, in the background of rapid development of urbanization and shortage of urban land resources caused by the continuous tightening of the state land system, during which the local government has adopted the policy of re-development of collective construction land to obtain land resources.


Keyword: Pearl River Delta, "Three old" transformation, Collective construction land, Urban renewal, Guangdong


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金项目 “产权制度视角下我国半城市化的微观动力机制研究:以武汉市为例” 41601153

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