城市总体规划公众参与的创新性实践 ——对“上海2035”城市总体规划公众参与的思考

The Innovative Practice of Public Participation in the Master Plan: The Thinking of Public Participation in Shanghai 2035 Master Plan

张 逸
上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 城市规划需要对各种利益关系进行协调,因而在其制定和实施过程中需要建立一定的磋商机制来平衡多方利益。而随着社会经济发展,生活水平的提高,公众越来越重视生活的环境和质量,对规划的参与意识不断增强。上海在以建设卓越的全球城市为目标的新一轮城市总体规划编制中,全面落实“开门做规划”目标,在社会上取得了较好的影响。立足“上海2035”城市总体规划公众参与工作的实践,对城市总体规划如何提升公众参与工作提出思考。

Abstract: Urban planning requires the negotiating process of different interests and relations. In the process of formulating and implementing the plan, the mechanism of negotiation should be established to balance the interests of different stakeholders. With the socio-economic development and the rising of living standard, the residents become more aware of the environment and life quality, and more actively participate in the planning process. In the new master plan of Shanghai which aims to construct an excellent global city, the goal of “open the door to develop the plan” was achieved well and had an important impact on the society. Based on the planning practice of Shanghai 2035 Master Plan, this paper discusses how to improve the process of public participation in the master plan.

关键词:上海2035、公众参与 、城市总体规划

Keyword: Shanghai 2035 Master Plan,Public participation , Master plan


文献标识码: A

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