台湾乡村社区营造过程中的地方感重塑研究* ——以台中市中和社区为例

Research on the Re-establishing Sense of Place in Rural Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Zhonghe Community, Taichung City

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

孙 洁
南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授

摘要: 快速城市化使都市近郊乡村受到严重冲击,造成居民地方感弱化及凝聚力丧失,亟待采取措施以降低其负面影响。以台中市近郊中和社区为实证案例,通过参与式观察、访谈及问卷调查等方法,探讨乡村社区营造中重塑地方感的策略与过程,以及地方感重塑对于社区营造的影响。指出一系列物质空间改造、社会文化活动等举措不仅美化了景观环境,而且能重新唤醒居民的集体记忆、强化社区的凝聚力、提升社区的地方感。然而,不同群体地方感存在分化现象,这在一定程度上影响了社区公共事务的行动能力,进而降低了社区营造的效率。中和社区营造的经验对于我国乡村地区通过社区营造重塑地方感,进行自下而上的持续建设具有重要借鉴意义。

Abstract: The rapid development of urbanization has a huge impact on suburban communities. As a result, residents’ sense of place has been weakened and social cohesion is lost. Solutions to deal with negative consequences are desperately needed. This paper studies the example of Zhonghe community located at the rural area of Taichung city, Taiwan, and tries to explore the strategy and process of re-establishing the sense of place in community empowerment, and how the sense of place affects the efficiency of community empowerment by participant observation, interviews and questionnaires. We found that a series of approaches, such as updating physical spaces and holding social cultural activities, not only upgrade the landscape of the community, but also recall the natives’ impressions and strengthen the cohesion of community. However, differentiation of the sense of place between groups brings trouble to public affairs to some extent, thus reduces the efficiency of community empowerment. The experience of re-establishing the sense of place in Zhonghe community provides significant references for other community of rural area in our country.

关键词:社区营造、地方感、重塑、 乡村、中和社区

Keyword: Community empowerment,Sense of place ,Re-establishment ,Rural, Zhonghe community


文献标识码: A


2017年国家社会科学重点基金 “大都市中产化进程与政策研究” 17ASH003

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