“公园城市”语境下旧城社区场景化模式初探 ——以成都老城为例

The Scene-making Pattern of Old Town Community in the City Park Context: A Case Study of Chengdu Old Town

成都市规划设计研究院 副总工程师,所长,硕士

成都市规划设计研究院 规划师,硕士

摘要: 社区是城市生活职能的基本单元,社区修补是城市修补的基本面。2018年初,习近平总书记针对成都首次提出“公园城市”理念,深远影响成都规划建设的各个层级。在此语境下,成都开创了城市社区场景化的若干规划模式。从场景理论的内涵入手,探讨场景化与社区修补的关系,剖析“公园城市”语境在社区修补领域的内涵。而后聚焦成都老城社区修补,以场景化的思路为对象,构建社区分析框架。针对社区特征,提出相应社区场景模型及构建策略。初步梳理出社区场景化的路径框架,希望为其他城市的社区修补方法提供有意义的讨论。

Abstract: Community is the basic unit of urban habitation. Accordingly community rehabilitation makes the primary process of urban rehabilitation. In the early 2018, President Xi Jinping first proposed the idea of Park City which profoundly influences the planning and construction system in Chengdu. Under such circumstances, Chengdu has pioneered the pattern of scene-making in the community rehabilitation. The paper starts from the concept of the scenario theory, discusses the meaning of Park City and the strategy of scene-making in the realm of community rehabilitation. Then focusing on the communities in Chengdu Old Town, it attempts to build the analyzing framework of communities and put forward typical pattern of scene making. The paper aims to build up a preliminary framework of scene-making methods, which is expected to bring new ideas to the realm of community rehabilitation practice.

关键词:公园城市、场景理论、 社区修补 、社区场景化

Keyword: Park city,Scenario Theory, Community rehabilitation,Community scene-making


文献标识码: A

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