日本老旧小区更新经验与特色* ——东京都两个小区的案例借鉴

Experience and Features of Japan’s Old Residential District Regeneration: Two Cases in Tokyo

清华大学社会科学学院 博士研究生 东京工业大学社会理工研究科联合培养

清华大学建筑学院 硕士研究生

清华大学建筑学院 副教授,博士

摘要: 老旧小区的更新和提升已成为中国当前众多城市建设发展的重要议题。日本经历了数十年的城市更新历程,其中一个重要内容就是关于老旧小区,并形成了丰富经验和特色。在回顾日本老旧小区更新历程和主要手段的基础上,基于代表性、知名度和更新内容等维度,以东京都的花田和高岛平两个小区的更新为典型案例,从参与主体、更新手段、议事机制3方面进行深入剖析。研究发现日本的老旧小区更新已经从单一建筑空间改造转向小区全面提升,包括功能优化、社会活力再造、自下而上的多元主体参与等,并且重视更新中的地域特色,以期为中国探索城市老旧小区更新的可持续路径提供借鉴。

Abstract: Old residential district regeneration has been an important issue in current urban development in China. Japan has accumulated great experience and features in this aspect, after decades of urban regeneration process focusing greatly on old residential district, which can be used as references for China. After reviewing the development process and main methods of old residential district regeneration in Japan, this paper selects two typical regeneration cases in Hanahata Danchi and Takashimadaira Danchi in Tokyo based on their representativeness, popularity and type, then analyzes two cases in terms of participant actors, regeneration methods and mechanisms for negotiation. It is concluded that in Japan the focus of old residential district regeneration has transferred from single building renewal on physical aspect to the all-around improvement of the whole district, including functional optimization, social vitality generation, as well as bottom-up multi stakeholders participation, etc., and much attention has been paid to regional distinctiveness. It is hoped to provide references to China for the exploration of sustainable old residential district regeneration.


Keyword: Old residential district,Regeneration,Tokyo,Japan


文献标识码: A


欧盟Horizon 2020课题 “Transition towards Urban Sustainability through Socially Integrative Cities” 770141

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