关于城市蓝线规划方法的思考与实践——以上海市中 心城河道蓝线专项规划为例

Thoughts and Practice on Urban Planning Methods of Blue Line: A Case Study of Blue Line Planning of River in Shanghai Central City

上海市城市规划设计研究院 市政规划设计分院 助理工程师

摘要: 随着城市化速度的加快,河流水系作为城市中稀缺性资源之一,其生态、环境问题严重,与城市规划矛盾凸显。随着水环境 日益得到重视,现行蓝线规划编制体系存在编制内容过于刚性、缺少系统性编制方法的问题,导致对河道的规划、设计和 管理存在一定的局限性,蓝线与各类控制要素的矛盾不断增多。以编制上海市中心城河道蓝线专项规划为契机,对蓝线规 划在编制理念、规划方法、规划内容和规划管理及实施上的创新进行一次较为系统的总结和梳理,以指导城市河道蓝线规 划的编制。

Abstract: River system is one of the scarce resources in the city. With the accelerated pace of urbanization, ecological and environmental problems of river are becoming serious. Too rigid contents compiling of the current blue line planning system and lack of systematic compilation methods lead to the limitation in planning, designing and managing the river. This paper takes blue line planning of river in Shanghai central city as an example, systematically reviews the innovation of the compiling idea, planning methods, planning contents, planning management & implementation, which provids guidance for the compiling of urban blue line planning.


Keyword: Blue line of river,Planning methods,Practice


文献标识码: A

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