历史文化名镇名村保护建设管理中问题与对策浅析 ——以上海为例

Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Protection and Construction Management of Famous Historic and Cultural Towns: A Case Study of Shanghai

上海开艺设计集团有限公司 董事长,硕士

摘要: 上海在日益加速的现代化和国际化进程中,建立健全城乡历史文化遗产保护体系、创新完善保护制度和机制、传承历史文 化精髓是一项十分迫切且重要的系统工程。从上海历史文化名镇名村的调研分析、保护规划、保护管理3个层面出发,对现 状历史文化名镇名村的风貌、布局、设施、安全、政策等问题提出切实可行的建议与对策,以实现历史文化名镇名村整体风 貌的传承及乡土建筑的延续,引导各地历史文化名镇名村进行有效保护。

Abstract: In the speedy process of accelerating modernization and internationalization, it is an urgent and important systematic project to build a comprehensive historical and cultural inheritance protection system covering both urban and rural areas, to innovate and improve protection systems and mechanisms, and to retain nostalgia and inherit the essence of history and culture in Shanghai. In terms of investigation and analysis, planning, and management on historical and cultural towns and villages in Shanghai, the paper tries to provide practical suggestions and measures on problems regarding appearance, layout, infrastructure, security, policies and so forth in order to inherit the holistic appearance of historical and cultural towns and villages, as well as to continue the style of rural architecture, aiming to provide lessons for other cities to efficiently protect their towns and villages.


Keyword: Famous village and town,Problems in protection, Analysis of countermeasures,Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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