绿色交通理念下的大学校园交通规划研究* ——以天津大学北洋园校区为例

Research of Traffic Planning in Campus Based on the Concept of Green Transportation: A Case Study of Tianjin University

天津大学城市规划设计研究院 交通研究中心 工程师,硕士

天津大学经济与管理学部系统工程研究所 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 高校规模的不断扩大以及机动车数量的日益增加衍生出一系列校园交通问题,如何实现校园内部人、车、环境的平衡逐渐成为校园规划中不可回避的内容。在此情形下,以减少事故、降低污染为目标的绿色交通理念为解决这一问题提供了一条切实可行的途径。在对校园交通系统现状存在的问题充分分析的基础上,以天津大学为例,通过道路系统的优化、绿色交通新技术的实施以及绿色出行方式的引导等措施,探索人车矛盾突出背景下校园交通系统规划建设的新方向,打造一个以“可持续发展”为核心的示范性绿色校园。

Abstract: With the arise of many campus traffic problems caused by continuous expansion of universities and increasing number of vehicles, it has been an inevitable topic as how to achieve the balance between people, vehicles and environment in campus. In this case, the concept of green transportation which selects reducing accidents and pollution as the target provides a feasible way to solve these problems. Based on full analysis of problems existing in the present situation of campus transportation system, and taking the new campus of Tianjin University as an example,serious traffic measures about road system and traffic organization have been put forward and implemented to build a green campus following the concept of sustainable development, which explores a new way for campus transportation system planning and construction.


Keyword: Traffic planning, Green transportation, University campus , Sustainable development


文献标识码: A


国家科技支撑项目 “绿色校园建设及管理关键技术开发与示范” 2012BAC13B05

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