基于“城市针灸”原理的生态空间品质提升路径研究 ——以上海市静安区为例

Research on the Upgrade Path of the Quality of Ecological Space by ‘Urban Acupuncture’: A Case Study of Jingan District, Shanghai

袁 芯
上海市城市规划设计研究院 规划一所 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 在“生态文明”和“城市双修”两大国家战略的指引下,中国城市进入了内涵式发展的新阶段。《上海市城市总体规划(2017—2035年)》(以下简称“上海2035”)明确提出建设“低碳韧性的生态之城”。经过改革开放以来近40年的努力,上海在生态环境建设方面已经取得了显著成效,但中心城区与伦敦、纽约等全球城市相比,生态空间品质仍是影响上海城市竞争力的短板。选取上海市中心城区的典型代表——静安区为研究对象,基于高密度城区当前发展面临的困境,引入“城市针灸”的原理,对生态空间进行渐进式的干预,践行卓越全球城市的品质追求,同时提升生态空间质量。

Abstract: Under the guidance of the national strategy of ecological civilization, ecological rehabiliation and urban refurbishment, cities in China have entered a new stage of connotative development. Shanghai New Master Plan clearly puts forward the construction of ecological city. Through the efforts of nearly forty years since the reform and opening up, Shanghai has made remarkable achievements in the promotion of the ecological environment, but the inner areas of the main city is still hindering the city’s competitiveness due to the low quality of ecological space compared with the other global cities, such as London and New York. Taking Jingan district as a typical example of Shanghai, which is faced with the challenge of high density, the current research is based on the theory of ‘Urban Acupuncture’ to give progressive intervention in ecological space and fulfill the quality pursuit of excellent global cities and improve the quality of ecological space.

关键词:生态空间品质、 城市针灸、提升路径、上海市静安区

Keyword: Quality of ecological space,Urban acupuncture, Upgrade path, Jingan District of Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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