全域旅游视角下的城市社区更新行动规划研究* ——以合川草花街社区为例

Research on Urban Community Regeneration Action Planning from the Perspective of Citywide Tourism: A Case Study of Hechuan Caohuajie Community

黄 瓴
重庆大学建筑城规学院城市规划系 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室 教授,博士

重庆大学建筑城规学院城市规划系 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室 硕士研究生

摘要: 近年来,全域旅游成为一项重要的国家发展战略全面铺开。作为居民日常生活的基本载体,城市社区蕴藏着丰富多样的城市文化基因和生活形态,必将成为全域旅游新的目的地。如何识别、保护和利用这些具有原真性的社区价值,提升社区生活品质,进而提供有特色的城市旅游服务,应纳入城市社区发展更新的目标和行动。针对这一命题,以重庆合川草花街社区为例,通过梳理社区现状资产特征、社区更新目标,与城市全域旅游的关联和所面临的关键问题,进而提出相适应的更新规划策略,探讨全域旅游视角下的城市社区更新行动规划方法。

Abstract: In recent years, citywide tourism has become an important national development strategy to be spread out comprehensively. As the basic carrier of residents’ daily life, urban communities are rich in diverse urban cultural genes and life forms, and they are bound to become the new destination for the whole region. How to identify, protect and utilize these authentic community values, to improve the quality of community life, even to provide distinctive urban tourism services should be included as the objectives and actions of urban community development and regeneration. For this proposition, this paper takes Chongqing Hechuan Caohuajie community as an example, combing the current status of the community and updating the target of the community, the relevance and key problems of citywide tourism, then proposes the adaptive updating planning strategy, and discusses the urban community regeneration action planning method from the perspective of citywide tourism.

关键词:城市全域旅游、社区更新行动规划、社区的原真性 、资产为本的社区发展、社区空间文化线路

Keyword: Citywide tourism, Community regeneration action planning,Community authenticity | Asset-based community development, Community spatial culture route


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金面上项目 “基于社区资产的城市社区更新研究——以重庆为实证” 51778078

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