
Planning and Practice of a 15-Minute Community Living Circle in Shanghai Guided by Promoting Implementation

程 蓉
上海市规划编审中心 技审室 主任,高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 上海在迈向卓越的全球城市的目标下,将打造15分钟社区生活圈作为提升城市竞争力的重要举措之一,并通过制定规划导则的方式将概念转化为实施与管理工具,在全市居住社区规划和更新工作中推广。在生活圈导则制定和具体实践中,顺应城市发展需求与发展趋势,围绕以人为本的发展理念和社区治理的工作方式两大核心,在规划标准方面以更方便、更开放、更绿色、更集约为目标;在实施途径方面凸显存量用地提升与更新的特征;在行动方面依托多元力量推进实施与管理,导则涵盖理念、规划和行动,体现了上海作为特大城市精细化管理背景下打造社区生活圈的全视角理解。

Abstract: Under the goal of advancing to a global city of excellence, Shanghai has adopted a 15-minute community life circle as one of the most important measures to enhance the competitiveness of the city, and has transformed the concept into an implementation and management tool through the development of planning guidelines, which will be promoted in the planning and updating of the city's residential communities. The guidelines cover concepts, plans and actions, and reflect the full perspective of Shanghai as a mega-city to build a community life circle under the background of detailed management.


Keyword: 15-Minutes living circle、Planning standards 、Planning actions、Old settlement planning


文献标识码: A

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