
Sharing Bicycle Riding Characteristics Analysis in Shanghai Based on Mobike Opening Data

上海市城市规划设计研究院 综合交通分院 工程师 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 共享单车有助于缓解城市短距离交通出行和“最后一公里”难题,但其在短期内的爆发式增长,给城市规划管理和交通运行带来较大挑战。基于摩拜开放数据,分析了上海市共享单车的骑行时空特征,识别了骑行交通热点、交通走廊和停放供需矛盾区域。总结了共享单车现状问题,提出了明确骑行交通发展定位、完善骑行空间环境、提升智能交通管理等发展策略,为规范共享单车有序发展及鼓励非机动化交通提供规划思路。

Abstract: Sharing bicycle helps alleviate the "last mile" problem of urban transportation, but its explosive growth in the short term poses great challenges for urban traffic operation and management. Based on the Shanghai Mobike cycling open data, this paper analyses the spatial and temporal characteristics of sharing bicycle, and then identifies the traffic hot spots, riding corridor and the regional distribution. Further, this paper summarizes the existing problems, and proposes development strategies for defining the development of riding traffic, improving the riding environment and enhancing intelligent traffic management, so as to provide ideas for guiding the orderly development of sharing bicycles and encouraging non-motorized traffic.


Keyword: Non-motorized traffic , Sharing Bicycle,Opening data,Spatial and tempora, characteristics


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金项目 “轨道交通网络条件下宜居型TOD发展模式优化研究” 51778431

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