
Reading the Everyday Landscape of Public Transport in Shanghai

华 夏
新加坡国立大学 设计与环境学院 博士研究生

摘要: 如何提升效率是当前大多数与交通相关的城市研究的研究重心。从宏观上来说,这一重心体现在将城市交通看作一个精密构建的系统。从微观上来说,这一重心体现在以提升效率为主要目的的城市交通设施的规划设计中。然而在日常实践中,交通活动是与城市其他方面紧密结合在一起的。通过研究发现,不仅仅地方历史性因素在城市交通发展中扮演了重要的角色,日常生活中与出行行为相关联的社会角色也在不断地重塑城市交通的日常景观。为城市勾勒新交通发展愿景的规划师应当认识到,无论发展道路如何,日常生活实践是城市交通地景的直接塑造者。

Abstract: Improving the efficiency has long been the emphasis of transport-related urban studies. At the macro level, urban transport activity has been perceived as a delicately designed and maintained system. At the micro level, efficiency has been one main focus in most transport related urban planning and design. However, in everyday practice, the traveling activity has always been linked to and affected by many other urban dimensions. This article attempts to indicate that not only particular historical context contributes to transport development at the local, local actors also continually shape and reshape the landscape of urban traveling in their daily life. No matter where the urban future development goes, planners shall acknowledge that the everyday practitioner is always the immediate contributor to the urban landscape.


Keyword: Urban transport,Everyday life,Planning practice , Right to the city


文献标识码: A

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