
Study on the Planning Strategy of the New Energy Car Sharing in Shanghai

上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 随着互联网技术的发展和新能源汽车产业发展诉求的提出,新能源汽车分时租赁行业正日益受到关注。上海是较早尝试新能源汽车分时租赁的城市之一,截止2017年底,上海已成为全球分时租赁车辆规模最大的城市。梳理国内外分时租赁发展概况和主要运营模式,以“环球车享”(EVCARD)运营数据为例,分析上海市新能源汽车分时租赁的主要发展特征。从政策和行业发展趋势角度,探讨上海市新能源汽车分时租赁在综合交通体系中的功能定位,提出上海发展新能源汽车分时租赁的规划策略。

Abstract: With the development of internet technology and the demand of new energy auto industry, the car sharing industry is getting more and more attention. Shanghai is one of the first cities to try the car sharing services, and by the end of 2017, it has become the largest city in the world in terms of car sharing scale. This paper sorts out the development situation of the car sharing at home and abroad, analyzes the current development characteristic of car sharing in Shanghai. Taking EVCARD as an example, the paper discusses the function orientation of the new energy car sharing in the comprehensive transportation system of Shanghai, and puts forward the planning strategy of developing the new energy car sharing in Shanghai.


Keyword: Shanghai,New energy,Car sharing,Planning strategy


文献标识码: A

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