
Mobile Internet Technology and Regulatory Reform of Urban Taxi Industry

上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 副教授,博士

上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 博士研究生

摘要: 移动互联网时代来临后,城市出租汽车行业特征正在发生巨大变化,由此带来新的出租汽车行业发展与监管问题。作为移动互联网技术与出租汽车结合的产物,网约车运营平台公司呈现出集自然垄断和市场竞争二重属性于一体的特征。这一特征给政府的监管实践带来了重大挑战,对此学理上需要深入探讨。基于网约出租汽车的双重属性,从监管主体、监管内容和监管法律法规3个方面提出下一步城市出租汽车行业监管改革的相关政策设计。考虑在移动互联网技术下,网约车与巡游车的新老业态融合发展,并从城市交通整体规划的角度讨论网约车和其他城市交通系统的互补关系。

Abstract: With the advent of the mobile internet era, the characteristics of the urban taxi industry are undergoing tremendous changes, which has led to the new taxi industry development and regulatory issues. This paper argues that, as the combination of mobile internet technology and taxi, online car-hailing platform presents dual characteristics of natural monopoly and competition in one body. This feature has brought major challenges to the government's regulatory practice,which requires further discussion in the academic. Based on the dual properties of the online car-hailing, this paper puts forward the related policy design for the following regulatory reform of the urban taxi industry in three aspects: regulatory subjects, regulatory contents and regulatory laws. Finally, considering mobile internet technology, this paper suggests the integration and development of online car-hailing and traditional taxi industry , and discusses the complementary relationship between the online car-hailing and other urban transportation systems from the perspective of the overall urban transport planning.

关键词:移动互联网技术、网约出租汽车、 自然垄断、监管

Keyword: Mobile internet technology,Online car-hailing,Natural monopoly,Regulatory


文献标识码: A


国家交通运输部2016—2018年专项课题 “促进出租汽车监管信息平台建设”

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