
Innovation of Shared Mobility, Deregulation and Its Social Obstacles

上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院 公共政策与治理研究院 交通经济与政策研究中心 主任,副教授

摘要: 随着互联网技术和平台经济的兴起,共享移动性作为一种创新交通策略,快速渗透到网约车、自行车、汽车租赁及合乘等传统出行行业。简要概述共享移动性对出行产业链的综合影响,根据平台经济特征剖析所引发的新旧业态之间利益冲突问题。在回顾出行行业规制及其变更规律的基础上,从潜在社会风险与成本、平台治理有效性、新旧业态融合发展等角度,指出为适应共享移动性发展,规制更新(尤其是放松管制)可能的方向和障碍。

Abstract: With the introduction and evolution of technology and multi-sided platforms, transportation services such as ridesourcing, bikesharing, carsharing and carpooling, so-called shared mobility, have been realized on a large scale as innovative strategies. This paper briefly introduces the integrated effects of shared mobility on the transportation industries and points out the sharp interest conflict between the new and old types of business. After reviewing the general laws of regulation and deregulation of transportation industries, it analyzes the existing social obstacles such as latent social risk and cost, self-regulation of platforms and merge of the new and old types of business, adapting to the spreading trend of shared mobility in China.

关键词:共享移动性、平台经济 、 规制更新 、 社会障碍

Keyword: Shared mobility, Platforms economics , Deregulation , Social obstacles


文献标识码: A

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