
Cities and the Invasion of the Autonomous Vehicle

Jean-Pierre Orfeuil [法国]
法国动态城市基金会/法国VEDECOM基金会 研究顾问 巴黎东大城市设计学院 名誉教授

摘要: 采用自动驾驶技术的车辆不久就会闯入城市的街道和我们的生活。就像智能手机一样,它的特点也决定了这种技术将会迅速大规模地传播。新旧世界的更替是不可避免的。聚焦于自动驾驶车辆的到达与空间的行动响应和城市规划间的联系。对应于这场交通变革时代前夕,这里主要从两个视角进行论述:一是关于近期自动驾驶车辆使用的条件分析;二是未来自动驾驶车辆使用对城市空间规划和建设的挑战。

Abstract: The autonomous vehicle is shortly set to burst into the streets of our cities and into our lives. Its qualities will ensure that it spreads rapidly and massively, like the smartphone before it. The transition from the old world to this new world is inevitable. This article will focus primarily on the links between the arrival of these vehicles, territorial action and urban planning. It will approach these questions from two main angles, corresponding to two moments in this revolution: the first, not far off, relating to the conditions in which the use of these vehicles emerges; the second, further ahead, relating to the consequences of the use of these vehicles on the production of space.


Keyword: Autonomous vehicle,Transportation strategy,City in the future


文献标识码: A

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