
Spatial-Justice Perspective of Nanjing Busker’s Characteristic about Time & Space Distribution and Planning Strategy

张 鹏
东南大学建筑学院 博士研究生

蒲 卉
新疆城乡规划设计研究院有限公司 助理工程师

摘要: 在我国城市化加速推进的过程中,城市空间正义的缺失问题日益突出,街头卖艺便是其中一个具有代表性的案例。探讨了街头艺人的内涵及研究意义,从“作为城市问题”和“作为城市景观”两条线索的逻辑困境展开,并以空间正义的视角进行思辨。通过调查与问卷调查结合的方法,对南京市街头艺人的类型构成、行为活动特征、空间分布特征、公众接受程度等方面进行了数据分析,认为城市管理者和规划者应当重视街头艺人的生存发展和卖艺行为的规范化问题,并从空间规划、城市管理以及艺人自身角度等方面分别提出了规划策略。

Abstract: In the process of accelerating urbanization in our country, the lack of urban space justice is increasingly prominent, and busking is one of the typical cases. This article first discusses the connotation and research significance of busker, from the logic dilemma of two clues, ‘as the city problem’ and ‘as the city landscape ’, and then from the angle of spatial justice. Through the investigation and questionnaire survey method, this paper analyzes the type of Nanjing buskers, their activity characteristics, spatial distribution characteristics, and degree of public acceptance, and proposes that the city managers and planners should pay great attention to the existence, development and standardization of the busker behavior problems. It puts forward the planning strategy from the perspective of spatial planning, urban management and artists themselves respectively.


Keyword: Spatial justice,Buskers in Nanjing,Distribution characteristics,Planning strategy


文献标识码: A

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