县域新型城镇化的湖北实施与创新* ——基于仙桃、宜都的综合试点研究

The Spatial Implementation and Innovation of New Urbanization in Hubei Province: Based on Xiantao and Yidu City

郑 悦
华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院 硕士研究生

罗 静
华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院 院长,教授,博士生导师

摘要: 仙桃市是全国第一批新型城镇化综合试点市,宜都市是全国第二批试点市。通过对近年来两市新型城镇化综合试点的分析,总结新型城镇化的创新性经验,提炼可复制、可推广的政策。研究发现,基于湖北省县域经济的特点与发展阶段,以湖北主体功能区布局为蓝图,湖北县域新型城镇化应走建立农业转移人口市民化成本分担机制、创新多元化可持续的城镇化投融资机制、改革完善农村宅基地管理、推进新兴小城市建设、创新机制体制的多元化创新之路。

Abstract: Xiantao is one of the first batch of new urbanization pilot cities. Yidu is one of the second batch. This study analyzes their new urbanization in recent years, summarizing their innovative experience and extracting reproducible and propagable policies. It found out that based on Hubei 's economic characteristics and development stages, making Hubei's layout of main functional areas as blueprint, Hubei Province should build up a system to share costs of transferring agricultural population,innovate diversified and sustainable investment and financing system, reform and improve the countryside homestead management, boost the construction of newly-built small city, and innovate mechanisms and institutions in new urbanization.

关键词:新型城镇化、创新、仙桃市 、宜都市

Keyword: New urbanization,Innovate,Xiantao city,Yidu city


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金项目 “江汉平原基本公共服务可达性及其均等化研究” 41371183

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