
Research on Ways of Burying High Voltage Overhead Lines & Integrated Use of the Land above the Lines

上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师

摘要: 随着城市化进程的加快,城市人口愈发密集,城市建筑总量不断增加,大型电力设施与城市空间品质的矛盾逐渐显现出来。突出表现在城市高强度开发地区的高电压等级的电力架空线与周边城市空间的不协调。高压架空线走廊,不仅占用了大量的城市土地资源,而且对城市风貌景观和公共空间活力的影响也较为严重。按照“技术为本、保护资源、科学规划、有利操作”的基本原则,从高压架空线入地的必要性出发,进行高压架空线入地的可行性分析,对高压电力架空线入地后腾出土地的综合使用方式以及实施操作的机制提出了相关建议。

Abstract: Alongside of the acceleration of urbanization, densities of urban population and buildings are increasing extremely rapidly. Therefore, conflicts between large power facilities and quality of the nearby urban space are becoming more and more apparent. The major issue is between high voltage overhead line corridors and their alongside urban spaces. Firstly, high voltage overhead line corridors occupy large amounts of urban land resources. More importantly, they even damage urban landscape and decrease vitality of urban public space. Therefore, it is essential to bury high voltage overhead lines. Starting from this point, the paper is written according to the principle of ‘based on technology, protect resources, plan in a scientific way, and operate in a convenient way’. In the paper, firstly, the necessity of burying high voltage lines is discussed. Secondly, the feasibility of the burying approach is analyzed. At last, several suggestions on how to use the extra lands over buried lines are given.


Keyword: Burying high voltage overhead lines, Integrated use of land, Analysis on feasibility


文献标识码: A

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