

北京大学城市与区域规划系 硕士研究生

复旦大学经济学院 硕士研究生

北京大学城市与区域规划系教授, 博士生导师

摘要: 基于公共产品理论和利益相关者理论,以北京市中心城轨道交通站点储备用地1999年、2006年控制性详细规划调整为切入点,分析政府、开发单位、公众、设计单位等利益主体的权力分配与利益诉求。构建多元利益主体博弈的一般框架,指出旧城区控制性详细规划调整过程中以权力分配倾斜化、关注对象区别化、利益诉求差别化为特征的不均衡现状,建议我国旧城区控制性详细规划实践注重:划定底线,制定针对性的保护原则;设施先行,提升土地开发潜力;制度为本,明确可能的利益主体的权责。

Abstract: According to public goods theory and stakeholder theory, the adjustments of Beijing’s regulatory detailed planning on reservation land around rail transit station in inner city between 1999 and 2006 are analyzed, which shows the power and appeal of the stakeholders. The frame of games between stakeholders is made, which indicates three identities of regulatory detailed planning adjustment in old city: the imbalanced power, the diverse object and the different interest. Suggestions are put forward for the practice of regulatory detailed planning in old city.


Keyword: Regulatory planning, Plan adjustment, Stakeholders, Reservation land around rail transit station in Beijing’s inner city


文献标识码: A



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