营建人本多元的城市空间尺度 ——从我国传统城市尺度到当前巨尺度问题的思考

Creating People-oriented and Diverse Urban Scales: Thought of Traditional Chinese Urban Scale to Current Huge Scale

唐 珊
深圳市城市设计促进中心 工程师,硕士

何 斌
中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院 高级城市规划师,硕士

摘要: 我国城市布局的宽马路、大街区模式导致了城市空间尺度巨大、不宜居的问题。以天地、人、数等尺度概念为依据,分析总结中国古代造城的尺度控制方式,解读当前我国城市宏观尺度失序、街区尺度大、用地单元封闭等问题,并揭示其深层本质原因。提出的解决之道是将“以大为美”的偏好转变为人本体验的价值取向,营建多元城市空间尺度,从管控城市宏观尺度、建设人文尺度街区、重塑人性化公共空间、建立支持小尺度街区的规范和管理体系等方面改善巨尺度问题。

Abstract: A spatial pattern with wide roads and huge blocks has been formed among Chinese cities, which result in a huge urban scale issue and make cities unlivable. This paper reviews the features of Chinese traditional urban scale, revealing the current Chinese big urban scale issue and its deep substance. It has been proposed that Chinese cities should turn from the preference of bigness to the value of humanistic experience, and make humanistic and multiple scale urban spaces. Several approaches to solve huge block issues are proposed: managing the urban growth boundary, shaping small blocks and human scale public spaces, making changes on standards and city management systems to back up the small blocks.

关键词:城市空间尺度、 街区尺度、 人本体验、多元尺度、 小街区

Keyword: Urban spatial scale, Urban block, Humanistic experience, Multiple scale,Small blocks


文献标识码: A

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