
Strategic Thinking for Urban Development of Shanghai in the Global Perspective

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

李 粲
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 在经济全球化进程中,世界经济格局和世界城市体系的变化具有显著的关联性。随着中国的世界经济影响日益显著,中国首要城市在世界城市体系中的作用和地位是令人关注的。《上海市城市总体规划(2016—2040)》提出“卓越的全球城市”作为上海城市发展目标,既是上海城市愿景,更是国家发展战略。全球视野下的城市竞争力可以归纳为3个实力维度和4个资本维度,“卓越的全球城市”应当形成全方位的竞争优势。上海应当强长板和补短板,在继续提升经济影响力的基础上加速提升科技影响力和文化影响力,在继续优化物质资本的基础上加速优化体制资本、人力资本和环境资本。

Abstract: In economic globalization, the relationship between world economic pattern and world urban system has become more obvious. With the increase of China’s impact on the world economy, the role and position of primary Chinese cities in world urban system have attracted great attention in the research circle. The excellent global city, defined by Shanghai Master Plan (2016-2040), is not only the vision of Shanghai’s long-term development, but also the component of national development strategy. In the global perspective, urban competitiveness can be framed into three dimensions of influence and four dimensions of capacity. An excellent global city is supposed to establish competitive advantages in all dimensions. Shanghai should reinforce its strength and overcome its weakness, on one hand, through the great improvement of not only its economic influence but also its influence on science and culture at the global scale, and on the other hand, through the great upgrading of not only its physical capital but also its social, human and environmental capital.


Keyword: Global city,Shanghai, Strategic thinking


文献标识码: A

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