
Complete Streets in the United States

陈 挚
成都市规划设计研究院 副所长,工程师,双学位硕士

摘要: 美国自1971年开始提出类似完整街道的理念以来,到目前共有712部法规采用了完整街道政策。以洛杉矶为例,剖析了不同类型 的完整街道政策所发挥的作用。州政府通过完整街道法案,要求地方政府制定完整街道规划、颁布完整街道设计导则。洛杉矶的 交通规划采用了完整街道的策略并制定了详细的实施计划,通过完整街道设计导则来实现对具体项目实施的指导。对比了美国 完整街道与国内规划不同的设计方法,并总结完整街道政策对我国交通发展理念及规划管理的启示。

Abstract: The concept of complete streets was first established in 1971 in the United States. Nowadays, a total of 712 jurisdictions have complete streets policies in place. This article takes Los Angeles as an example to analyse how different policies work together to achieve complete streets. This article summarizes several complete streets design approaches which are different from the current planning theory or method in China, and concludes how the concept of complete streets can inspire the transportation development and policy making in China.

关键词:完整街道、自行车、 步行、交通、政策

Keyword: Complete streets,Bicycle, Pedestrian,Transportation,Policy


文献标识码: A

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