
Exploring the Human-oriented Planning and Construction of Central Business District (CBD): A Case Study of Qianhai in Shenzhen

中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院 规划师,硕士

摘要: 城市CBD的规划设计历来是规划实践探索的焦点和难点。以前海中心区为研究对象,通过深入探讨国内外主要CBD规划 建设的经验和教训,并借助市场调查手段进行实证,提出前海人性化中心区的营造策略。首先,对当前学术界关于CBD规 划建设中存在问题的反思进行综述。其次,通过对成功个案和市场需求的调查,明确提出CBD功能和空间组织需要回归从 业人群的需求特征和行为规律,并借鉴国际大都市中心区的经验,梳理出人性化中心区营造的3个维度。最后,从内部空间 组织、开发机制和管制体系等方面提出基于人性化行为特征的前海开发建设和实施策略。

Abstract: City CBD planning and design has always been the focus and difficulty of planning practices. In view of the current problems that exist in CBD planning and the reflection on a human scale of urban spatial organization, this paper firstly reviews literature related to current academic reflection on problems in the construction of CBD planning, using market empirical research method, and then puts forward construction and implementation strategies for Qianhai based on human behavior characteristics from the aspect of internal space organization, regional coordination, development mechanism and management system, etc., by drawing on experiences from the transformation practice in the CBD of world metropolis.

关键词:城市中心区、人性化、 前海

Keyword: Central Business District, Humanity,Qianhai


文献标识码: A

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