
Construction of Community Public Centre Developed with Local Characteristic:A Case Study of the Bailianjing Riverside Area Urban Design

上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院 注册城市规划师

摘要: 面对传统老社区如何构建公共中心的新问题,以浦东新区白莲泾两侧地区城市设计为例,对老社区公共中心构建进行了一次“立足本土居民、注重本土文化、依托本土空间”的探索性实践。规划秉承“适地而生”的设计思路,利用后世博旧区改造的契机,以唤回老浦东记忆为手段,重塑滨水空间为重点,创造性的融合了“莲溪岸、南码头、东堂屋”等3个体现历史与现代、本土与外来文化交融的城市意象,将白莲泾两侧地区打造成为后世博时代的“水岸会客新空间”,实现了区域文化的复兴,提升了地区公共服务品质,为上海其他滨水地区和老社区公共中心的建设提供了借鉴。

Abstract: Facing the problem of the old community to construct a public center, this article takes an exploratory practice as Bailianjing Riverside Area Urban Design as an example. The adaptability-design plan which bases on the local residents, relying on the local space, focusing on local culture takes urban renovation for the "post-Expo" area as an opportunity to recall memories of the old Pudong. It is a creative fusion of the "Lotus Riverbank, South Pier, East Main Room" urban image, which embodies history and modern, blending local and foreign cultures, with an emphasis on reforming waterfront space. The Riverside Area will be shaped into a “Waterfront Living Room” in the Post-Expo era, which will be expected to enhance quality of public services and drive cultural revitalization in the region. This plan can provide a reference for the construction of other waterfront and old community public centers in shanghai.


Keyword: The public center of the old community, Local cultural revitalization, Urban renewal, Waterfront space utilization, Bailianjing


文献标识码: B



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