
Research on Bus Rapid Transit Planning in Harbin

哈尔滨市城乡规划设计研究院 副总工程师, 高级工程师

摘要: 加快发展城市快速公交是贯彻公交优先发展理念的具体体现,立足于哈尔滨市公共交通现状及存在的问题,明晰哈尔滨市城市交通的挑战及出路是尽快建设快速公交系统。在分析其必要性和可行性的前提一下,从快速公交的功能定位入手,在“北跃、南拓、中兴、强县”的城市发展战略指导下,明确快速公交在公共交通中的角色和地位,从而确定哈尔滨市近远期快速公交发展规划及典型的车站设计研究,并对预期实施效果加以分析,对于指导哈尔滨市快速公交系统的建设和实施以及改善公共交通状况具有一定的指导意义。

Abstract: To accelerate the development of rapid transit is the concrete embodiment of bus priority. Based on the current situation and problems of city public transportation in Harbin, this article points out that the best way to solve the problem of transportation in Harbin is to set up the bus rapid transit system as soon as possible. On the basis of analysis for the necessity and feasibility, starting from the function orientation of the rapid transit, under the direction of "North Widen, South Extension, Central Prosperous, Town Strength", clears the role and status of rapid transit in the public transportation in Harbin, so as to determine the long-term planning for the development of rapid transit, as well the design and research of the typical station, and analyzes the expected result. This research has certain guiding significance not only for the construction of bus rapid transit system in Harbin, but also for the improvement of the public transportation.


Keyword: Bus rapid transit, Corridor planning, The station design


文献标识码: A

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