
Place Making of Small-scale Public Space and Reproduction of Social Capital in Built-up Areas in Big Cities

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士生导师,教授

摘要: 大城市建成区居民日常户外活动的多样性、丰富性和细微性,需要小尺度公共空间来承载和实现。小尺度公共空间与住宅地具有较好的邻近性,是日常社会生活的发生器。作为一种社区和邻里层面的平民化的公共空间,它体现了更多的社会公平性,其场所营造对于邻里交往、社区网络建构和社会资本再生产具有积极的作用。当前一些大城市更新改造拆旧建新的模式单一,使得不少建成区呈现出居住空间类型趋同、社会活动隔离的状态,导致既有的社会资本缺乏空间载体,社会网络解体,社区精神涣散。结合上海市浦东新区开展的“缤纷社区计划”规划实践,基于居民满意度和意愿的样本调研分析,探讨通过小尺度公共空间更新改造来实现社区功能再生的可能性,思考建立小尺度公共空间营造和社会资本再生产的关联,为当前“城市修补”提供前沿理论思考。

Abstract: Small-scale public space is required for the support and implementation of the diversity, abundance and subtlety of residents’ daily outdoor activities. Small-scale public space which has a good proximity to residential is like a 'generator' of social life. As a community and neighborhood level of civilian public space, small-scale public space embodies more fairness, and its place-making has a positive effect on neighborhood communication, community network construction and social capital reproduction. However, due to the single model of urban renewal, many urban built-up areas show a monotonous of living space types and isolation of social activities, resulting in the lack of spatial carrier of social capital and the lack of community spirit. Based on a community planning empirical project recently conducted by Shanghai Pudong New District and sample survey of residents’ satisfaction and willingness, this paper explores the possibility of community functional regeneration through the renovation and reconstruction of small-scale public space, to establish the relationship between small-scale public place-making and social capital reproduction and to provide frontier theoretical thinking for the 'urban repair' practice.


Keyword: Public space、 Place-making | Social capital、Community planning、 Colorful community plan


文献标识码: A

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