
Study of Land Use and Transferring Behavior around Rail Transit Sites in Suburban Area

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授, 博士生导师

上海市黄浦区规划和土地管理局规划师, 博士研究生

上海市城市规划设计研究院助理规划师, 硕士

摘要: 轨道交通站点的接驳换乘问题已经逐渐显现,尤其在城市外围地区,轨道交通站点影响区居民的出行机动性问题尤为显著。通过对轨道交通站点的功能、站点影响区的土地使用、交通服务、站点交通换乘空间设计等多个方面进行研究,分析影响乘客接驳换乘行为的因素。研究以上海城市外围地区的莘庄站、共富新村站和九亭站为案例,对站点周边空间物质特征、交通服务和3站点1 000位乘客进行了调查,研究发现,城市外围地区的轨道交通站点影响范围的半径达3km以上,乘客换乘方式与中心城区明显不同,站点周边的空间物质特征与交通服务影响了乘客换乘方式的选择。站点靠近交通性干道选址并与地块分离是造成换乘不便的重要原因,建议站点周边提供步行友好街区,在建设多模式的绿色交通接驳系统的基础上更要提升城市管理能力。

Abstract: Issue of rail transit shuttle has gradually revealed. Especially in suburban area, rail transit sites impact residents traveling mobility significantly, The article studies rail sties’ function, land use of rail transit site impacting area, transport service and site interchange space design, in order to analyse the factors of passenger transferring behavior. The study chooses Xinzhuang, Gongfu Xincun and Jiuting as the typical cases in Shanghai suburban area, investigating characteristics of site space, transport service and 1000 questionnaires of the passengers, coming out that rail transit site impacting area in suburban area has service radius of more than 3 KM, the transferring behaviors of which are different from that in central urban area. Space characteristics and transport service around the rail sites impact passengers' transferring behavior. It is likely that the rail sites located besides traffic artery and separated from the developing blocks is a significant cause which results in the inconvenience of transferring. It is proposed to build a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood surrounding the rail site, and to improve urban management is even necessary on the basis of building a multi-mode system of green transferring transport.


Keyword: Suburban area, Rail transit site, Land use, Space design, Transferring


文献标识码: A



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