深度城市化背景下的环卫设施规划 ——以上海市闵行区环卫设施专项规划为例

Sanitation Facilities Planning in the Progress of the Sufficient Citification: A Case Study of the Sanitation Facilities Planning in Shanghai Minhang District

上海市闵行区规划设计研究院 副院长,工程师,硕士

摘要: 环境卫生设施是健康宜居城市的有力保障,但往往又是目前我国城市发展的“短板”。通过对国内外环卫设施发展的现状和趋势的分析,以上海市闵行区环卫设施规划为实践,试图寻找能够适合深度城市化背景下的环卫专项规划的编制方法。在深度城市化的城区,环卫设施专项规划面临土地资源紧缺、邻避效应明显、规划落实困难等一系列问题,规划应采用“多规合一”的编制思路,动员各方力量,在尊重现实的基础上,因地制宜确定发展目标,协调沟通各方诉求,确保规划的可实施性,可为其他深度城市化地区的专项规划工作提供参考。

Abstract: Sanitation facilities are crucial for healthy living cities. However, inadequate sanitation facilities become the bottleneck of urban development in China. To take Shanghai Minhang District sanitation facilities planning as a practice, this paper firstly researches the status quo and trends of the sanitation facilities in domestic and overseas, then tries to propose the methods of sanitations facilities planning in the progress of the deepened urbanization. In deepened urbanized areas, sanitation facilities implementation faces problems such as the lacking of land resource and the not-in-my-yard interference, etc. This paper proposes that we should adopt multi-planning methods, coordinate all parties, draw up the objective on the basis of reality and ensure the planning implementation. It provides reference for other urban sanitation facilities planning.


Keyword: Sanitation facilities,Special planning,Multi-planning,Deepened urbanization


文献标识码: A

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