论城镇化进程中“理性经济家庭”的迁移抉择 ——解释框架及上海郊区的实证

The Process of Peri-Urbanization and Family Choice:Analysis Framework and Case Study of Suburban Districts of Shanghai

朱 金
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 博士研究生

摘要: 经济快速发展及城乡资源再配置衍生了大量流动人口和留守家庭成员,这是过去城镇化发展的客观表象,同时也构成了城镇化发展中的现实困境。新型城镇化强调“以人为本”;而人都从属于家庭,家庭是社会的基本细胞,因而需要进行以家庭为单元的城镇化微观视角研究。无数个体家庭在既定的制度下,会进行家庭的劳动力状况及迁移的成本收益分析,从而做出迁移决策。从微观视角研究以家庭为单元的城镇化主体行为抉择;在文献研究基础上,构建理性经济家庭迁移决策的分析框架,以解释家庭这一城镇化主体的综合考量过程。进而以上海郊区这一既有大量外来流动人口、又存在本地农民城镇化的典型地域为例,基于实证而演绎本地农民和外来农民工两类理性经济家庭的迁移决策及对家庭存量资产的配置。

Abstract: China’s rapid economic development and the re-allocation of resources between urban and rural areas have given rise to the huge amount of migrating population and family members left behind. Many of the migrants live in metropolitan suburban areas, and create the phenomenon of peri-urbanization, which is a dilemma and major challenge faced by government and society. China’s New-Type Urbanization Plan puts emphases on human-oriented development. Family is the basic unit of human-being, so it is necessary to adopt microscope perspective approach of research, which explores families’ choice in the process of urbanization. In this paper, an analysis framework of rational-economic family is set up based on literature review, and empirical testing on both cases of migrant families and local rural families is carried out in the suburban districts of Shanghai.

关键词:半城镇化、理性经济家庭、迁移决策、 解释框架

Keyword: Peri-urbanization,Rational-economic family,Migration choice,Analysis framework


文献标识码: A

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